Tamara Oxford, Ph.D., MFT

California MFC #29679

Licensed Counseling Services
and Transformational Education

Individual, Couple & Family Psychotherapy
Brief and Long-Term Counseling Available

for Challenging Life Transitions, Depression, Anxiety, Stress Management, Couples Issues, Conscious ChildBirth and Parenting, Addictive Patterns, PTSD, Self-Esteem Issues, Assertiveness Training and Communication Skills, Personal Growth and Spiritual Development.

For appointment or information contact:
209.532.1478 | email: tamara@tamaraoxford.com

About Tamara Oxford, Ph.D., MFT

Tamara OxfordDr. Tamara Oxford is a writer, teacher and licensed psychotherapist in private practice in Sonora, CA with 25 years experience in Counseling, Consultation and Transformational Education. She holds a Ph.D in Depth Psychology and an M.A. in Counseling Psychology. Her intensive approach to holistic healing draws on Eastern and Western models of psychology and spirituality and integrates teachings from many fields of study, including Jungian and Archetypal psychology, religion, philosophy, mythology, physiology, bodywork, yoga and nutrition.

Sacred Psychology – Reconnecting Body, Mind, Heart and Soul

“Sacred Psychology helps my clients to access the gifts of the unconscious and to recognize all life as sacred, including their own. By learning how to “tend the soul”, or cultivate a respectful relationship with your inner reality, you begin to recognize yourself as a spiritual being, not just a physical one. To go beyond the personality, the body and the material world can make you free. Focus on your inner reality doesn’t necessarily take you out of the world. Ironically, it can make you happier, more personally empowered and more functional in the world.” — Tamara

In addition to her clinical work with individuals, couples and families, Dr. Oxford is a dynamic teacher. She creates and facilitates Transformational Education groups that inspire, motivate and guide people in making significant personal and spiritual change, utilizing a wide range of modalities that include lecture, storytelling, shamanism, dreamwork, hypnotherapy, guided visualizations, voice dialogue, bodymind awareness, art therapy, meditation and regression therapy. She is the sole creator of her WomanSoul Workshops series, especially designed for women.

Tamara Oxford’s personal and professional passions merge in the field of Consciousness Studies, Cross-Cultural Spirituality and the exploration of holistic, integrative and alternative healing modalities. She conducted her doctoral research on the Non-Ordinary Experiences of Ordinary Women, including her own, after having followed neo-shamanic and indigenous Medicine Paths for 15 years.  Tamara has committed her life to personal and professional psychospiritual growth and evolution. She is now a disciplined practitioner of meditation in the Yogic tradition and has a special relationship to the Divine Feminine.

Tamara Oxford, Ph.D. is available for
Personalized Consultations, Lectures,
Groups, Classes
& Retreats in your area.

Specializing in Sacred Psychology, Archetypal Psychology, Personal and Spiritual Growth, Dreamwork, Mythology, Psychospiritual Development, Cross-Cultural and Women’s Spirituality and The Archetypes of the Divine Feminine

Tamara Oxford, Ph.D., MFT | Downtown Sonora, California | 209.532.1478 | tamara@tamaraoxford.com